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Fun Science Lesson Plans and Activities for Kids

Chemistry Activities for KidsChemistry Lesson Plans

Give these great chemistry activities and lesson plans a go and teach students a wide range of important chemistry concepts and fun facts. Kids will love trying the exciting experiments, learning about chemistry while taking part in valuable hands on activities. The free science resources and classroom teaching ideas include information on subjects such as crystals, polymers, acids, bases and more.

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Fun with Crystals

Kids will love learning about crystals while they enjoy a range of great crystal activities that include making their own, crystal panning and much more.

Crystal lesson plan and activities

Acids & Bases

Acids and bases are important chemistry concepts that kids can enjoying learning about as they make their own sherbet to take home.

Acid & base lesson plan & activity

Making Glue

Learn how to make glue with this fun chemistry lesson plan and activity. Test it when you've finished to see if it really works!

Glue lesson plan & activity


Polymers are interesting chemical compounds. Explain their properties and characteristics to students while they enjoy a fun, polymer based activity.

Polymer lesson plan & activity

Styrofoam Challenge

Have fun experimenting with styrofoam as you turn it back into an original polymer with the help of some nail polish remover.

Styrofoam lesson plan & activity

Making Plastic

Enjoying making plastic while learning about its interesting properties with this great chemistry project and lesson plan for kids..

Plastic lesson plan & activity

Science for Kids


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